If you don't have a netbook and want anyway to test Jolicloud on your x86 hardware you can also try a Virtual Machine by which your PC will act as another one.
How ? Well, follow the instruction that Harold, a Jolicloud user, has posted in a comment on the
Jolicloud Blog:
"To install Joli Cloud into a Virtual Machine with Virtual Box.
1. Run the command to create a bootable VDI image (without quotes):
“VBoxManage convertfromraw jolicloud-robby-alpha2-live.img jolicloud-robby-alpha2-live.vdi”
2. Run the command to create a new empty VDI image where to install the image with 4GB space:
“VBoxManage createhd -filename jolicloud-robby.vdi -size 4000″
Note: you can use -register option at the end of this command or register this VDI file from the VirtualBox later.
3. Create a new VM using the jolicloud-robby-alpha2-live.vdi (use the existing vdi option)
4. Attach the jolicloud-robby.vdi as a Primary Slave
5. Start the VM (boot)
6. Install
Then Enjoy…"
To do that, you need of course an Invitation from Jolicloud but also to install VirtualBox created by Sun Microsystems, Inc., a general-purpose full virtualizer for x86 hardware.
Presently, VirtualBox runs on Windows, Linux, Macintosh and OpenSolaris hosts and supports a large number of guest operating systems including but not limited to Windows (NT 4.0, 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista, Windows 7), DOS/Windows 3.x, Linux (2.4 and 2.6), Solaris and OpenSolaris, and OpenBSD and now ... Jolicloud.
You should also check the GetSatisfaction page on the subject.
Another user, James Q. Stansfield, has a more complete list of instruction to use Jolicloud and VirtualBox here. His comment is: "Really tho, VirtualBox, while nice is painfully slow."
Disclosure: I have not tested it , I have a netbook ;-)
UPDATE: here is a twit by _sandro confirmg that:
Pour mes lecteurs francophones, vous pouvez suivre les explications que donne @Exkwahando dans son papier: "Cloudcomputons ! Jolicloud sous VirtualBox" .Merci à lui, qui m'a mis la puce à l'oreille ;-)